Monday, February 6, 2012

Our house has no dishwasher - and that's not uncommon

So Meri and I went to Portland last week to look for jobs. More importantly, we went to look for margaritas!!! It had been way too long since our last Mexican Margarita night (October!). We found a really great little place down town (don't remember what it's called) with a great list. Our favorites were these ^^^ No, we didn't pick them on purpose... mine was called Snake Bite (left) had cilantro and fresh jalapeno (YUMMY) and was just the tiniest bit hot. Meri loved Anti-Venom which was passion fruit and agave nectar.

As for the job searching, I had two interviews, and I won't say anything yet, but it's looking good :D I'm back up in Canada Madawaska until Wednesday morning when hopefully I'm moving down to Portland for good! Meri isn't moving down yet, but hopefully really soon... I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to knowing absolutely nobody or not.

Other things I learned about Maine this week:
- in the northern part we actually get our power from Canada's grid
- New York has 800 moosi, we have over 29,000 (I still think they're fictional)
- some of the rural parts (including here) are decades behind - what do you mean you don't take credit cards?!
- in the north, "th" has been replaced with "d"
- I'm a Mainer, not a Mainian
- we're short on snow this year (what?!)
- there are no interstates above halfway north because it was really all owned by the logging industry
- there isn't a Red Lobster in the entire state (that's a good thing)

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