Friday, February 10, 2012

Portland: You WILL be my new home

So I traveled to Portland with hopes that I would have a job when I got there... GOOD NEWS! I'm the new front of house manager at Federal Jack's! I wasn't sure though, so instead of spending money on a hotel I went on Couch Surfers and found Joe. I stayed at his place with him and his adorable dog Cleo for a couple nights and he showed me the side of Portland I couldn't have possibly have found on my own in two days. I'm even more convinced that I'm in an awesome place that fits me. The picture above is the view out Joe's upstairs hall window. You can't quite see what I could, but it's awesome. The grey spot under the street light on the right is the Back Cove which leads out to the Atlantic. The lights to the left go down a hill and then climb another over to the Maine Medical Center. It's a pretty amazing view.

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