Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sunrise vs. Sunrise

This morning I received this picture from my dad! The caption read: Sunrise out the back porch...

That was at 8:20.

At 9:30 I snapped a picture of the sunrise from MY back porch:

It's about two feet deep... I think. I'm not sure if my feet actually go all the way down or if there's too much compacted snow beneath the rest. I'm a little jealous, my dad... not so much apparently.

I'm going into Portland, ME with Meri on Monday for interviews and to look for housing, we're super excited about getting down there. Also, it will give me more things to do than just wasting my time on FaceBook and craigslist.

I'm seriously considering putting this on my to do list for the year, and this is definitely going on my wish list.

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