Sunday, February 19, 2012

Maple Sugar Candies!!!!!

So, I bought a flannel shirt (yeah, my first one) at L.L.Bean and when I went to check out these little gems were on the "impulse aisle!" The last time I had one of these was probably 10 years ago, they're delicious!!!! I already ate all of them, I'll have to find a closer source.

I brewed some beer for KBC on Thursday with Mike, Andrew, and Ben. We pumped a red ale into the last holding tank, continued letting a stout ferment (open air, you could watch the yeast bubble!), mashed, boiled, and hopped a scotch ale that will be their first ever barrel aged brew, and measured out the malts for their first ever black IPA :) I was pretty much on cloud nine til I had to scoop 250lbs of wet barley out of the mash tun with basically an ice scoop. Then it was only cloud eight.

Tomorrow is my first day "managing," even though it's still training. The biggest challenge so far is remembering everyone's name! I know there are some I've forgotten >.< Anyone know a good way to remember a bunch of new people without making flashcards? Yeah, I'm a flashcard person.


  1. Try associating the name with something familiar to you, that's what I do with phone numbers. So like if one of your employees names are Tiffany you can think of me LOL or you think of a characteristic of theirs that stands out (ie. strong accent, small nose, etc) whatever will help you remember.

    1. Oh! I did actually do this with one guy. He looks like Steve from Blue's Clues... his name is Steve :D

      Guess I'll start in on the rest of them now

  2. Did you post that comment about Steve before or after you found out we played a game of blues clues with him at work one night about a month before you got here?
