Monday, February 20, 2012

Georgia can keep its collard greens

Today I had my first ever lobster roll. Yes, I've been in Maine a whole month, and this is my first one. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the first lobster I've ever eaten! It was also $23 on my food card!!! Thankfully I have a little extra this month since I only got it a week ago ;) Oh, yeah, and it was good.

In the background is iced tea. It's not sweet. We don't make sweet tea. I knew this coming up here, but I just want everyone to know how happy I am to not be looked at like fool every time I order tea.

I did my first round of managing tonight: paperwork, computer stuff, etc. We have a log book with daily entries (most places do) that is extremely entertaining to look through. Last year in February a man claimed an "over fried tortilla" caused his dental crown to break. Personally, I think that beats the guy at T Mac who went to the ER after getting salsa in his eye. Thoughts?

Sneak Peek!!!
Things that make Federal Jack's better than Taco Mac:
- the hosts bus
- we're allowed to eat pretty much at any time
- we get shift beers

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Maple Sugar Candies!!!!!

So, I bought a flannel shirt (yeah, my first one) at L.L.Bean and when I went to check out these little gems were on the "impulse aisle!" The last time I had one of these was probably 10 years ago, they're delicious!!!! I already ate all of them, I'll have to find a closer source.

I brewed some beer for KBC on Thursday with Mike, Andrew, and Ben. We pumped a red ale into the last holding tank, continued letting a stout ferment (open air, you could watch the yeast bubble!), mashed, boiled, and hopped a scotch ale that will be their first ever barrel aged brew, and measured out the malts for their first ever black IPA :) I was pretty much on cloud nine til I had to scoop 250lbs of wet barley out of the mash tun with basically an ice scoop. Then it was only cloud eight.

Tomorrow is my first day "managing," even though it's still training. The biggest challenge so far is remembering everyone's name! I know there are some I've forgotten >.< Anyone know a good way to remember a bunch of new people without making flashcards? Yeah, I'm a flashcard person.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Una mas cerveza por favor!

Sorry, I'm slacking on the pictures today.

So for a month now, Merideth and I have been looking for a Mexican restaurant so we can get margaritas and cheese dip. There's not a single REAL Mexican place in Portland:

El Rayo Taqueria - Had awesome designer margaritas, but the food was designer too. Queso fundita was more meat than cheese.
Margaritas - Cheese "dip" was more melted shreds than creamy goodness, and the food was still high end American/Mexican.
Tic-Taco - If I have to explain this one, you won't get it anyways (it's too hipster).

So today we weren't too hopeful when we went to Casa Fiesta down in Biddeford ......until we walked in the door. The decor was upscale (I guess it has to be to compete in a rich beach town), but there were 5 people at the host stand talking to each other in SPANISH!!!! I hadn't even heard Spanish since I left good ol' Georgia.

This is how else we knew it was going to be good:
- server didn't know what the word "pitcher" meant (thought we were saying "peach," no, thanks, not in MY margarita)
- the salsa wasn't chunky, and the chips were yellow
- you could order by number! and had an "a-la-carte" menu
- cheese dip on the menu, was labeled "cheese dip"
- the up-charge was for changing beef to chicken, not the other way around

They've only been open since August. If they don't make it, I might have to move home.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This day in the north brought to you by...

St. Ives Intensive Healing body lotion! Complete with heavenly aura :D

People seem to be continually amazed that I'm from Atlanta. They all say, "but you don't have an accent!" Then get all weird when I point out they don't either. To which they usually reply, "but it's not like I grew up in the county!" "The county" being Aroostook, where there is not even an interstate. Well, it's not like I grew up in the sticks either, and my city is WAY bigger than yours! So :p

Sunday, February 12, 2012

$16 for SOCKS????!!?!?!?!

Totally worth it. I don't know why I was wearing 2 and 3 pairs at a time before. These are the shit. If you want to know what I want in a care package, send me SmartWool socks.

Also, I start work tomorrow! I'll let you know how the new job is.

Meri has an interview on Tuesday down in Yarmouth! That would mean I would have ONE person within a 7 hour drive that I actually know!!! I'll be okay if she doesn't come down, but I'd really like a partner in crim ;)

I actually got to hang out with some people tonight too, went to Portsmouth to sushi and a brew pub :) Hope I hang out with them again...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

PHOTO DUMP!!!! (of my new place :D)

Just in the front door to the right is the kitchen! The door next to the refrigerator is the bathroom, then next to that is Keith's room.

 The corner area is the living room. Two TVs, cable, XBOX etc...

 Our windows area awesome!!! Yesterday I got home and it was 80 inside because these face south :D.
 There is a fish on the window sill too.

 Better pic of the living room, and the fish.

 This is that bathroom I was telling you about. The left set of shelves is mine. Off to the right is the rest of the bathroom.

 My room!!! To the left ( not pictured) is Tyson's room

 This is my wall of stuff to be dealt with. Gimmie a break! I've only been here two days, sheesh.

 This is my favorite corner, everything I need right next to my bed!

 My awesome futon. That window faces south too so I get plenty of light!

 This is my other roommate, Sargent. He is Keith's Kitteh :p He spends alot of time in my room staring at Little Boy's cage.

And this is my closet! Look how nice and organized it is already!!! GO ME!

Sleepy time, but I promised some people these.
And as promised my new addy:
34 Arundel Road Unit 2, Kennebunkport, ME 04046

Friday, February 10, 2012

Portland: You WILL be my new home

So I traveled to Portland with hopes that I would have a job when I got there... GOOD NEWS! I'm the new front of house manager at Federal Jack's! I wasn't sure though, so instead of spending money on a hotel I went on Couch Surfers and found Joe. I stayed at his place with him and his adorable dog Cleo for a couple nights and he showed me the side of Portland I couldn't have possibly have found on my own in two days. I'm even more convinced that I'm in an awesome place that fits me. The picture above is the view out Joe's upstairs hall window. You can't quite see what I could, but it's awesome. The grey spot under the street light on the right is the Back Cove which leads out to the Atlantic. The lights to the left go down a hill and then climb another over to the Maine Medical Center. It's a pretty amazing view.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Our house has no dishwasher - and that's not uncommon

So Meri and I went to Portland last week to look for jobs. More importantly, we went to look for margaritas!!! It had been way too long since our last Mexican Margarita night (October!). We found a really great little place down town (don't remember what it's called) with a great list. Our favorites were these ^^^ No, we didn't pick them on purpose... mine was called Snake Bite (left) had cilantro and fresh jalapeno (YUMMY) and was just the tiniest bit hot. Meri loved Anti-Venom which was passion fruit and agave nectar.

As for the job searching, I had two interviews, and I won't say anything yet, but it's looking good :D I'm back up in Canada Madawaska until Wednesday morning when hopefully I'm moving down to Portland for good! Meri isn't moving down yet, but hopefully really soon... I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to knowing absolutely nobody or not.

Other things I learned about Maine this week:
- in the northern part we actually get our power from Canada's grid
- New York has 800 moosi, we have over 29,000 (I still think they're fictional)
- some of the rural parts (including here) are decades behind - what do you mean you don't take credit cards?!
- in the north, "th" has been replaced with "d"
- I'm a Mainer, not a Mainian
- we're short on snow this year (what?!)
- there are no interstates above halfway north because it was really all owned by the logging industry
- there isn't a Red Lobster in the entire state (that's a good thing)