Thursday, March 1, 2012

My First Blizzard!

So last night at 9pm, there was ZERO snow on the ground. This is this morning when I woke up. Yeah, it was still snowing. I knew something was going on because about 4am I awoke to 5 transformers blowing out front of the apartment. I figured being in the middle of a snowstorm it would be out for a while, so I closed my laptop and went back to sleep. I swear less than two minutes went by before the plows and repair trucks drove by.... I guess that's what happens when you live in the same town as a former Pres. Also, Maine St in town is mysteriously completely clear and DRY. We don't know how. New life goal: get my own secret service ;p

This is what it looked like from inside Tyson's car. That slightly red spot is Meri's Miata, lol. There was probably about 6-8 inches on the ground, and it didn't stop til after dark! It's at over a foot now...

I got to drive on it, and learned the real difference between 2wd and 4x4 (and was also reminded that my truck is rwd... there are some fun tracks at the mall parking lot, teehee). I'm finally starting to feel like I'm up north for the winter. Apparently things are flowering back in GA. I'm not jealous :p

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. For those of you that don't know, my Grandad is in the hospital at Vanderbilt with heart problems. I flew down for a few days to be with him and my family. The good news is he's doing as best he can with as weak as his heart is. He'll have a procedure tomorrow and if all goes perfect, be home by Saturday :D

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